hpv treatment

HPV Treatment

How is HPV Treated?

Unfortunately, there is no universal HPV treatment. For most cases of HPV, there is no recommended treatment unless genital warts are present or abnormal cervical changes have been detected by a Pap smear. HPV treatment depends on whether the HPV has caused genital warts or cervical dysphasia.

Treatment of genital warts include prescribed at home topical creams, freezing or burning the warts, and other in office treatment. Keep in mind that genital warts do not pose any major health risk and are not related to cervical cancer.

Changes to the cervix detected through abnormal pap smears can be treated in a variety of ways. The goal of treating cervical abnormalities is by removing the affected tissue before it becomes cancerous.

This is commonly done by a LEEP procedure. Depending on the extent of the cervical abnormality, other treatment methods may be used, including surgery.

Most cases of HPV that cause abnormal Pap smears require no treatment. They generally go away on their own within two years. It is important to follow up on abnormal Pap smears to ensure the cervical dysphasia is not getting worse.

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